Fife Local Learning Forum

Kirkcaldy Galleries and Library, Abbotshall Road, Kirkcaldy KY1 1YG.
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September 28, 2016, 10.00 – 15.30

Kirkcaldy Galleries and Library, Kirkcaldy

Please note: The focus of this meeting of the Forum will be on the delivery of the Digital Unions workshops delivered by an NUJ tutor. The workshops are open to the wider trade union membership.

The position of the Union Learning Representative (ULR) is by definition based within the locality of the workplace, as most union learners want learning to be organised within the workplace.

To support the continuing development of the ULRs’ skills base, Scottish Union Learning has established a network of Local Learning Forums. Workshops are delivered by Scottish Union Learning alongside partner organisations to ensure the content of the Forums is focussed on the skills required and demanded by the ULR network.

The Forums also provide a valuable opportunity for ULRs to network and learn from each other. This is particularly important in the Highlands and Islands, where ULRs may be isolated. Forums also allow ULRs to organise cross-union courses to meet the collective needs of learners across different workplaces and locations.

Venue: Kirkaldy Library and Galleries, Abbotshall Road, Kirkcaldy, KY1 1YG

Times: 10am (arrival); 10:30am start; 3:30pm finish

For further information on the Fife Local Learning Forum, contact:
Tommy Breslin
Development Officer
Scottish Union Learning
333 Woodlands Road
Glasgow, G3 6NG
Tel: 0141 337 8152
Fax: 0141 337 8101
or send an email.
