Skills Development Scotland
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is Scotland’s national skills body, focused on contributing to Scotland’s sustainable economic growth by supporting people and businesses to develop and apply their skills.
SDS works with partners to create a Scotland where:
- Employers are able to recruit the right people with the right skills at the right time;
- Employers have high performing, highly productive, fair and equal workplaces;
- People have the right skills and confidence to secure good work and progress in their careers;
- There is greater equality of opportunity for all.
Scottish Union Learning works in partnership with SDS on a wide range of issues and shared objectives including apprenticeships, PACE, Workforce Development, Digital Services and Skills Investment Planning.
Scottish Union Learning is represented on a number of committees and working groups established by SDS and the STUC General Secretary currently serves on the SDS Board.
Skills Development Scotland is represented on the Scottish Union Learning Partners’ Advisory Group and the Scottish Union Learning Highlands and Islands Partners’ Group.
Skills Development Scotland has, for a number of years, provided sponsorship to Scottish Union Learning which has been crucial in delivering events aimed at the development of Union Learning Representatives, Equality Reps, and other union officials.
Further Information
For further information on partnership working with Skills Development Scotland, please email us.
Related resources
My World of Work - Find Free Online Courses A comprehensive portal for finding free online courses.
My World of Work: Skills Development Scotland & PACE Webinars Free webinars from SDS and PACE for those at risk of redundancy, have recently been made redundant or are looking for another job.
PACE Partner Toolkit
Partnership Action for Continuing Employment (PACE) is the Scottish Government’s initiative dedicated to helping individuals and employers
with the advice and support they need when faced with redundancy.