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Cyber security in the Digital Age

In November 2015, the Scottish Government launched its first Cyber Resilience strategy for Scotland, ‘Safe, Secure and Prosperous: A Cyber Resilience Strategy for Scotland’. The aims of the strategy are to support the development of Scotland as a world leader in cyber resilience by 2020, making Scotland one of the safest places to live and carry out business transactions.

Due to rapid developments in technology, resulting in the exchange of information and communications increasingly taking place online, it has become even more important for workers to consider their individual Cyber, or online security. Cyber Security is the body of technologies, processes and practices designed to protect networks, computers, programmes and data from attack; damage or unauthorised access is a growing issue for workers as individuals are increasingly vulnerable to information hacks, and many are insufficiently prepared to protect themselves against cyber-attacks.

To help support individuals, the Scottish Business Resilience Centre Ltd at the University of Stirling has produced a series of free handy single page factsheets which provide guidance and tips on how to be cyber secure, which includes advice when using a variety of popular Social Media platforms. The factsheets are available to download at:
