Modern Apprenticeships

Link to Modern Apprenticeship resources.

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Our Work - Modern Apprenticeships

Scottish Union Learning's page on Modern Apprenticeships.

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Modern Apprenticeship Toolkit

This is the second edition of the Modern Apprenticeship Toolkit. The toolkit provides an overview of Modern Apprenticeships and outlines how unions can successfully engage with the programme. The 2014 edition contains useful information, however is being updated to reflect changes in Scotland.

Filename: MAP-Toolkit-April-2014-v2.0.pdf | File size: 2527KB
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Modern Apprenticeship Case Studies

This second edition of the Modern Apprenticeship Case Studies publication has a greater focus on equalities. As outlined in the ‘Modern Apprenticeship Toolkit’, there continues to be a problem with gender based occupational segregation and under-representation of women, BME and disabled workers on the programme. This publication aims to demonstrate that this need not be the case and that good trade union and employment practice can be built on to ensure that the make-up of the workers on Modern Apprenticeships reflects the demographics of Scotland.

These case studies were gathered by Scottish Union Learning during visits to workplaces across Scotland. The examples cover many aspects of Modern Apprenticeships including levels, workplaces and industries and the role of unions. The examples included give reflective snapshots of union engagement with the Modern Apprenticeship programme, but are not an exhaustive collection.

Filename: MAP-Case-Studies-Apr-2014-v2.0.pdf | File size: 3479KB | Tags: apprenticeships
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Your Rights as a Modern Apprentice

The 2014 edition contains useful information, however is being updated to reflect changes in Scotland.

Filename: MAP-Your-Rights-Apr-2014-v2.0.pdf | File size: 795KB

Related resources

Dyslexia GuideDyslexia Guide This guide is designed to help Union Learning Reps support and signpost people in the workplace who may have dyslexia, and to encourage them to contact relevant organisations that can provide the expertise required.

Scottish Union Learning Webinars Scottish Union Learning's webinar sessions, hosted on the Crowdcast platform.
