Case studies

A collection of case studies and stories of unions' and members' learning experiences.

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OU Microcredentials case study: Craig

As part of our combined responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, Scottish Union Learning work with trade unions and The Open University in Scotland to support union learners to access the new suite of Open University Microcredentials. Craig's case study is the fourth in the series to be published.

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OU Microcredentials case study: Michael

As part of our combined responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, Scottish Union Learning work with trade unions and The Open University in Scotland to support union learners to access the new suite of Open University Microcredentials. Michael's case study is the third in the series to be published.

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OU Microcredentials case study: Pauline

As part of our combined responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, Scottish Union Learning worked with trade unions and the Open University in Scotland to support union learners in accessing the new suite of Open University Microcredentials. Pauline was amongst the initial cohort of union learners.


OU Microcredentials case study: Tommy

As part of our combined responses to the COVID19 pandemic, SUL has worked with trade unions and the OU in Scotland to support union learners in accessing the new suite of Open University Microcredentials. Tommy Breslin (Senior Development Officer, Scottish Union Learning) was amongst the initial cohort of union learners.

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Fair Work in Practice - Unite the Union Case Study: Effective Voice

This is the last in a series of five apprenticeship case studies from a range of unions working in different sectors. Each case study focuses on a Fair Work dimension in practice.

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Fair Work in Practice - Unite the Union Case Study: Fulfilment

This is the fourth in a series of five apprenticeship case studies from a range of unions working in different sectors. Each case study focuses on a Fair Work dimension in practice.

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Fair Work in Practice - NUJ Case Study: Opportunity

This is the third in a series of five apprenticeship case studies from a range of unions working in different sectors. Each case study focuses on a Fair Work dimension in practice.

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Fair Work in Practice - UNISON Case Study: Respect

This is the second in a series of five apprenticeship case studies from a range of unions working in different sectors. Each case study focuses on a Fair Work dimension in practice.

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Fair Work in Practice - RMT Case Study: Security

This is the first in a series of five apprenticeship case studies from a range of unions working in different sectors. Each case study focuses on a Fair Work dimension in practice.

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Case Study: Community Negotiates Learning Agreement with Liberty Steel

Early in 2018, Community Union signed a Learning Agreement with Liberty Steel at the Dalzell Steelworks in Motherwell. The Learning Agreement commits Community and Liberty to working collectively to increase the skills of the workforce - both in their place of work and for their own personal development. This agreement acknowledges the role of the ULR and guarantees sufficient time off for their training and to carry out their duties – it also recognises that the Liberty/Community Joint Learning Committee will be the driving body that will deliver learning and training to Community members in Liberty Steel.

Filename: Community-Case-Study-2018-final.pdf | File size: 655KB | Tags: developmentfund
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Case Study: Musicians' Union's DJ School

MU members familiarised and upskilled themselves on using Ableton software technology as a tool to compose, arrange and record electronic music. The course also introduced the beatmatching, crossfading and other effects used to mix tracks by DJs.

Filename: MU-Case-Study-2017.pdf | File size: 55KB | Tags: learningfund

Digital Unions: Filming and Editing Course with Community the Union

A ten week filming and editing course was developed in partnership with the Scottish Union Learning Digital Unions project, Community the Union, WEA and Stuart Platt, digital film-maker to produce an inclusive and accessible short film, to promote the health and well-being of workers at the RSBi factory in Glasgow. Additional learning support was provided throughout the programme by WEA’s Glasgow Workplace Literacies tutor who is funded by Glasgow’s Integrated Grants Fund. Originally, it was planned to deliver the course over six weeks but the timescale was extended to ten weeks to offer extra support for the workers who had additional learning needs. The course took place from April to the end of June 2017 and was delivered with a small group of admin assistants and machine operators.

The main benefits of the training for the workers were opportunities to:

• Develop their planning, communication and team building skills
• Gain practical skills on the use of cameras, lighting, sound and drones, and experience of editing
• Increase their confidence levels

This was the first time RSBi workers were provided with the opportunity to get hands-on with specialised media equipment and access to this type of training; they were only able to do so with funding from Scottish Union Learning’s Digital Unions project. As a result of the course, further additional training is being explored by RSBi to provide all their union reps with the skills to blog about their experiences.

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Case Study: Linda Halford, ULR Orkney

The ULR role is recognised as being the cornerstone of trade union learning, nowhere more so than in the Highlands and Islands, where smaller workplaces may have only one ULR or the ULR may cover several workplaces. Kirkwall based Linda Halford, who has been a ULR for UNISON since 2014, typifies the ‘can-do’ approach and love of learning that characterise ULRs who successfully bring union members and employers together to deliver mutually beneficial workplace learning. In her main job as a part-time residential Social Care Assistant in Supported Accommodation, Linda supports adults with extra learning needs in their own home, working a three-week rolling rota with shifts ranging up to 24 hours at a time. Linda credits her past Branch Secretary, Karen Kent, with encouraging her to become a ULR, after she asked Linda to represent the Branch at the Scottish Union Learning Conference in Dundee in 2014. Linda said: “Knowing my interest with training, Karen thought I might enjoy right she was, I got hooked!” Once back in Orkney, Linda set about organising two cross-union certificated Basic IT and Computer courses through the local college, funded by the Learning Fund, plus a Your Skills Your Future course funded by UNISON, for its members.

Filename: Linda-Case-Study.pdf | File size: 1014KB | Tags: highlandsandislands
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Case Study: National Union of Journalists Engages Modern Apprentices

Daisy Smith was a 17-year-old school leaver when she responded to an advert for an NUJ-supported Modern Apprenticeship in digital journalism with STV. She applied for the role as she wanted real, practical experience in a working environment. With the support of the NUJ, she embarked on her training as a journalist at STV and Forth Valley College.

Filename: NUJ-Case-Study-2016-final.pdf | File size: 58KB | Tags: developmentfund
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ASLEF Embraces the Digital Divide

Although employers provide job-specific training, ASLEF identified the need to equip train drivers with the confidence and skills to deal with the new technology, and that some workers may, first of all, need to gain basic IT and digital skills. Read more about how ASLEF arranged courses for train drivers through the Learning Fund from Scottish Union Learning to address these learning needs.

Filename: ASLEF-Case-Study-2016.pdf | File size: 56KB | Tags: learningfund
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Stepping Up with BECTU Vision

BECTU is the UK’s media and entertainment trade union and covers workers in broadcasting, cinema, film, digital media, independent production, leisure, theatre and the arts. Learn more about the BECTU Development Fund Project, funded by Scottish Union Learning, which negotiated and secured £86,873 from Creative Skillset and BBC Scotland in July 2016.

Filename: BECTU-Case-Study-2016.pdf | File size: 48KB | Tags: developmentfund
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Case Study: Community the Union and Respecting Diversity

Community Union has recently established a union/management Joint Learning Committee in Whistl (formerly TNT Post) based in Tannochside, Uddingston. The Committee has quickly taken off, and the union and management worked together on organising courses with an initial focus on health and well-being, and better employee relations. This began with a short workshop style course in September 2016 called ‘Respecting Diversity in the Workplace’ which was delivered as three one day sessions to more than 20 learners, including senior staff members, all of whom were given release from work to attend.

Filename: Community-Case-Study-2016-final.pdf | File size: 66KB | Tags: learningfund
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Modern Apprenticeship Case Studies

This second edition of the Modern Apprenticeship Case Studies publication has a greater focus on equalities. As outlined in the ‘Modern Apprenticeship Toolkit’, there continues to be a problem with gender based occupational segregation and under-representation of women, BME and disabled workers on the programme. This publication aims to demonstrate that this need not be the case and that good trade union and employment practice can be built on to ensure that the make-up of the workers on Modern Apprenticeships reflects the demographics of Scotland.

These case studies were gathered by Scottish Union Learning during visits to workplaces across Scotland. The examples cover many aspects of Modern Apprenticeships including levels, workplaces and industries and the role of unions. The examples included give reflective snapshots of union engagement with the Modern Apprenticeship programme, but are not an exhaustive collection.

Filename: MAP-Case-Studies-Apr-2014-v2.0.pdf | File size: 3479KB | Tags: apprenticeships

Related resources

Dyslexia GuideDyslexia Guide This guide is designed to help Union Learning Reps support and signpost people in the workplace who may have dyslexia, and to encourage them to contact relevant organisations that can provide the expertise required.

Scottish Union Learning Webinars Scottish Union Learning's webinar sessions, hosted on the Crowdcast platform.
