Fair Work, Leadership, and Equality - Funding Criteria Launch
July 13, 2022, 14.00 – 15.30
Online, Zoom
Fair Work: Leadership and Equality Programme
The Scottish Government’s Fair Work Directorate has provided funding to the Scottish Trades Union Congress to help develop leadership capacity within the trade union movement in Scotland through education and training. Building leadership capacity within unions is essential through education and training in taking forward the Fair Work agenda.
The funding is made available to unions, through Scottish Union Learning, to develop leadership capacity, with a focus on enhanced development for Union Reps and Stewards, full-time officials, or under-represented activists e.g. amongst workers with protected characteristics.
The funded activity may build upon existing union leadership programmes or contribute to the development of new leadership activities. This programme is also aimed at increasing equality in the workplace through the provision of education and training and the recruitment of Equality Reps.
Application Process and Criteria for 2022/23
The closing date for applications is 19 August 2022 by 4pm.
A number of changes have been made to the programme this year that includes a focus on linking in training, education and activities with current campaigns such as the Cost of Living Crisis and the National Care Service. We have also removed the upper limit of £5000 per bid. This was to encourage applicants to focus on the type of training, educational and activity events in the first instance that could support campaigns rather than focusing on the cost and making the activities fit in with that.
If your union is interested in applying for funding from this programme, please get in touch with Denise Christie, or your SUL (Senior) Development Officer in the first instance.
Scottish Union Learning would also like to encourage you to register for the Fair Work information session on Wednesday 13 July at 14.00hrs. The session will be an opportunity for unions to get more information on the programme including how to apply, dates and deadlines, and a look at changes to this year’s criteria.