STUC / Scottish Hazards Community of Reps October Meeting

October 31, 2023, 16.00 – 17.30

Online, Zoom

Are you currently a workplace Health and Safety Rep, or looking to stand for election and want to know more about what the role involves, or simply want to meet like-minded individuals? Want to find out what is high on the Health and Safety agenda in workplaces across Scotland? 

Come along to the October meeting, where we will hear from: 

Terry Anderson, STUC Community & Union Development Officer

Shelly Asquith, TUC Health and Safety Officer 

Ian Tasker, Scottish Hazards CEO 

Kathy Jenkins, Scottish Hazards 


Please share this event around your Health and Safety networks. 

You can register to attend this event using the 'Book Now' button below.

Book your place now
