Young Workers' Event: Change!
STUC, 333 Woodlands Rd, Glasgow G3 6NG.
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March 16, 2017, 18.30 – 23.55
STUC, Glasgow
Come along to celebrate the launch of our new book, which has been written about and by people on zero hours contracts.
We'll hear excerpts from the book by young writers and activists who will share their lives on zero hour contracts with us.We will also hear from Pinar Aksu, Community Development worker with Migrant Voice, and participants from the "A Story in a Poem project" who will read some of the poems they have written about their journey to Scotland. The Living Rent campaign will also be supporting this event with stories from people who have faced housing crises and know what it's like to have their home under threat from landlords.
Refreshments will be provided so get there early to avoid missing out!
From precarious work to precarious lives, the theme of the evening is 'Change' and what this means for us in 2016. As a labour movement, we want to ensure that we are inclusive and seek new opportunities of integration for all.
Over the next few months, we will be running courses aimed at young and migrant workers participating together in order to break down barriers, or perceived barriers. For more information about these courses, which are part of the Young Workers' Learning Project, and to register your place, please email Sarah Collins at