Tools for Staying Secure Online - Cyber Security Training

February 2, 2023, 10.00 – 12.00

Online, MS Teams

Do you want to improve your cyber security habits and learn how to use security apps?

Here’s how to do it without boring presentations or complicated technical instructions. Up your knowledge and confidence on this microcourse run over two 2-hour sessions, February 2 - 3. (Please note this session is the first of the two x 2-hour sessions).

You’ll earn a certificate and (real!) badge on completion. You don’t need any technical knowledge or experience to take part.

Feedback from previous attendees say that this online course is “friendly and non patronising”, “entertaining and informative”, “clear and non- judgmental”, and “just what I needed but was too afraid to ask”.

In this course, you will learn:

📧 How to spot and protect yourself from scam websites and emails (phishing).

🌐 How to use Virtual Private Network software to keep your connection secure.

🔐 How to set up and use Password Managers - a way to securely create and store passwords.

2️⃣ How to turn on and use Two Factor Authentication - one of the most effective ways at securing your accounts.

These workshops are organised by Scottish Union Learning and Digital Skills Education, thanks to funding from the Scottish Government’s Cyber Resilience Unit in partnership with the UK Government.

Book your place now
