SCQF Partnership
The SCQF is Scotland’s lifelong learning framework. The SCQF Partnership, which looks after the Framework, is focused on contributing to the delivery of Scotland’s sustainable economic growth by working with employers and learners on the benefits of both recognising learning and of having learning programmes credit rated, as well as how this can be utilised to support wider workforce development priorities.
Scottish Union Learning has a Partnership Agreement with SCQF which aims to:
- Increase mutual understanding between Scottish Union Learning and SCQF with a view to informing longer term planning and strategic thinking;
- Establish clearly defined processes and procedures for engaging with each other across policy and operational issues that will ensure effective two-way engagement between Scottish Union Learning and SCQF;
- Continually improve the development and delivery of services in the areas of credit rating, working with employers and workforce development;
- Agree areas for joint working with a priority being to work with employers
- Identify and share good practice between Scottish Union Learning and SCQF Partnership and with affiliated trade unions, ULRs and employers;
- Facilitate access to the views of trade union members and their wider networks allowing and encouraging engagement with the SCQF;
- Provide a framework which can support the aims of fair work and social justice by ensuring that it provides tools and resources which can recognise prior learning, support progression and improve social inclusion.
For more information on the work of SCQF, visit their website.
Further Information
For further information on partnership working with the SCQF Partnership, email Catherine Garvie, Senior Development Officer.
Related resources
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) The SCQF is the national qualification framework for Scotland.