Annual reports
Scottish Union Learning publishes a report on its services and activities each year.
Case studies
A collection of case studies and stories of unions' and members' learning experiences.
Equality Rep Network Resources
Topics covered here include information on flexible working, equality legislation, Fair Work, Disability Discrimination, Mental Health, LGBTQ+ issues, issues around race discrimination, and equal pay. Please get in touch if you require information on a specific equalities topic. Please note that many of these resources have been sourced from external organisations and have not been produced by Scottish Union Learning.
Partners and learning resources
Links to partner websites and online learning resources.
Related resources
Dyslexia Guide This guide is designed to help Union Learning Reps support and signpost people in the workplace who may have dyslexia, and to encourage them to contact relevant organisations that can provide the expertise required.
Scottish Union Learning Webinars Scottish Union Learning's webinar sessions, hosted on the Crowdcast platform.