Digital Unions

train the trainer photoThere are about one million adults in Scotland who lack basic digital skills, yet 90% of all jobs now require these skills and it is estimated that 35% of current jobs in the UK could become automated over the next 20 years.

Digital skills have become an essential element of the Scottish Union Learning Everyday Skills programme, and we have been awarded a second year of short-term funding from Scottish Government to deliver the digital skills project. The project will enable unions to further develop workplace learning opportunities around digital skills, encourage greater employer engagement, and subsequently lead to an overall increase in digital participation in Scotland, in line with Scottish Government strategy.

Train the Trainer

The ‘Train the Trainer’ courses have been refreshed and will be delivered to workers who already have digital skills. This will enable them to assist colleagues in the workplace with their basic online skills but more importantly provide them with the opportunity to improve their own training practices. The ‘Train the Trainer’ courses are aimed at Union Learning Reps, but other Union Reps and members with an interest in developing their training skills may also participate.

For further information contact:

Catherine Garvie, Senior Development Officer
Tel 07464 497577 or email Catherine
