Equality Reps Network Meeting
May 16, 2023, 14.00 – 16.00
Online, Zoom
The STUC has a longstanding history of supporting the work of our various Equalities committees, and campaigning on issues which affect different marginalised groups.
Scottish Union Learning are looking to relaunch our Equality Reps Network, and provide a space for Equality representatives from a range of sectors and industries, with a range of years of experience in the movement.
We want you, our reps, to decide the key priorities for this Network going forward; for the first quarterly meeting, members of the Network have chosen to look at Racism and Inequality in the Workplace. This first session will involve watching the TUC's webinar on "Tackling Racism and Inequality at Work", followed by a short presentation on the work of the STUC Black Workers Committee by Talat Ahmad, then a short input from the TUC Project Officer for Building BAME networks, Becky Sixsmith Hughes, on organising BME workers, and finally, an update from the Erskine Anti-Racist Community Campaign Group, which supports those seeking asylum and refugees. Following these contributions, our group will split into two breakout rooms where you will have the opportunity to feedback your thoughts, questions, and which of these areas you’d like to progress with in more detail.
We are aiming for the next ERN session to be an in-person event, focussing in much more detail on one of the topics that has been presented.
If you are a workplace Equality rep, please sign up below to attend the first Equality Reps Network meeting of 2023 below.