Fife ULR Development Day

Adam Smith Theatre, Bennochy Road, Abbotshall Rd, Kirkcaldy KY1 1ET.
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March 14, 2018, 10.00 – 15.00
Adam Smith Theatre, Kirkcaldy
Starting at 10:30am, the Fife ULR Development Day will include the third in the series of Digital Unions workshops.
Please note change of venue: This meeting will take place in the Adam Smith Theatre
Workshop info:
Personal Data Protection
Building on the previous Digital Unions workshops delivered at earlier Development Days, this workshop will look closer at Personal Data Protection.
Recently you will have seen news reports about incidents where public trust in an organisation’s security systems has been broken when personal information such as sensitive financial details, or medical information has been released.
This ‘data breach’, may be the result of hackers trying to break into an organisation’s systems, but around a third of all incidents are caused by human error resulting in data being inappropriately disclosed. There are new rules coming soon to help protect our data, and these will apply to all organisations in Europe.
You will be made aware of what will be changing, but most importantly the steps you can take to protect the data you hold.
For more info, contact:
Tommy Breslin, Development Officer, Scottish Union Learning