2019 Scottish Union Learning Everyday Skills Event
Hallmark Hotel, 27 Washington St, Glasgow G3 8AZ.
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February 28, 2019, 09.00 – 15.00
Hallmark Hotel, Glasgow
2019 Scottish Union Learning Everyday Skills Event – Making a Difference
The 11th annual Scottish Union Learning Everyday Skills Event: Making a Difference will take place on Thursday, 28 February 2019, from 9.30am to 3pm at the Hallmark Hotel, 27 Washington Street, Glasgow, G3 8AZ.
The Event enables trade unions to raise awareness of Everyday Skills issues in the workplace, and to share best practice in supporting those with Everyday Skills needs. It is aimed at Union Learning Representatives, Learning Organisers and Tutors.
The 2019 Everyday Skills Event will focus on tackling mental health stigma and discrimination, and improving mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. There will also be opportunities to explore new approaches to improving adult literacies using phonics sound-based methods and learn basic cyber ‘Train the Trainer’ skills.
Guest Speakers include Anne Mathie from Mental Wealth Training and Jackie Howie from Learning Link Scotland. Participants will be able to attend two of the following three breakout sessions, depending on availability:
Workshop 1: Tracking Stigma and Discrimination in Workplaces (See Me Scotland). Led by Mairead Rowan
Poor mental health costs Scottish employers over £2 billion every year; however, employers can reduce the impact of poor mental health on their business through raising awareness, developing understanding and making reasonable adjustments.
Stigma is a key barrier to people accessing mental health support. ‘See Me’ is Scotland’s national programme to end mental health stigma and discrimination, and the ‘See Me in Work’ programme supports employers and workers to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination.
This session will explore the ‘See Me in Work’ programme and what tackling mental health stigma and discrimination looks like in practice. The session will be interactive with group discussions to highlight good practice and challenges on this topic.
Workshop 2: 'City Phonics': A Fresh Approach to Teaching Adult Literacies (City of Glasgow College). Led by Diane Gardner.
This introductory tutor training session offers an overall view of City Phonics which is a structured, City and Guilds accredited programme designed to help adult literacy learners learn to read and write, or build up existing Literacy levels using a synthetic Phonics based system. Students learn to blend phonemes (sounds) together to create and then decode words, link them with images and advance from simple to more difficult words in order to construct sentences. The session will be interactive and inclusive with group discussion and activities.
Basic grammar and punctuation is embedded in every lesson and there is a strong focus on alphabet awareness. The four assessments are based on Listening, Blending, Reading and Writing. Completing this programme will prepare students for: • SCQF Level 2 English and Communication • Functional Skills Level 2 ( England, Wales and Northern Ireland). This programme is currently being delivered throughout Glasgow in FE, LAs, NHS and third sector locations.
Workshop 3: Personal Cyber Security 'Train the Trainer' skills (Digital Education Scotland). Led by Craig Steele.
This Cyber ‘Train the Trainer’ session will provide a brief overview of personal cyber security, and focus on how ‘bite-sized’ modules can be used by ULRs to deliver cyber training in their workplaces. The session will introduce one of the key topics: Safer Web Browsing.
The modules are suitable for anyone, even those with no technical experience. They should work on laptops, iPads, or other tablets, as they can be run through a web browser, and no additional software is required.
After the session, all modular materials, including slides, notes and worksheets will be shared with participants, which can used to support the delivery of their cyber security training sessions. Participants can also note their interest in attending the full "Train the Trainer" workshop later in 2019.
Please note: There are limited places for each session and if one of your two choices is oversubscribed, you will be automatically given a place on one of the remaining sessions.
To attend the Event, please register by: 11 February 2019.
Please contact your own trade union to make arrangements to attend this event. Organisation of attendance and release is by your trade union and is not the responsibility of Scottish Union Learning.
If you have any queries about the event or registration please contact Karina Liptrot at kliptrot@stuc.org.uk