STUC Equality Award
The objective of the STUC Equality Award is to highlight the positive difference union reps can make in the workplace. We aim to recognise an individual or group who has made a difference, and who brings energy, enthusiasm and new ideas to promoting equality and tackling discrimination.
All STUC affiliated trade union organisations are invited to make nominations. The Award is presented to a Scottish trade union rep or a group of members working together, and multiple applications from each STUC affiliated trade union organisation are welcome.
Equality Award 2018
The Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) has announced that the recipient of the 2018 STUC Equality Award is Linda Ford, Prospect Equality Representative at The James Hutton Institute in Invergowrie, Dundee. The award was presented by the Rt Hon Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland and Leader of the Scottish National Party, at STUC Annual Congress on Monday, 24 April 2018.
Equality Award 2017
The Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) has announced that the recipient of the 2017 STUC Equality Award is Sharon Sweeney, President of the University and College Union (UCU) Branch at the University of Dundee.
Sharon has been an active trade union representative for a number of years within the Dundee UCU Branch Committee. Sharon has pursued the disability equality agenda, and through negotiations with her employer, successfully negotiated a Disability Leave Policy (one of few in Higher Education Institutions). The policy includes provision of disability leave in long term absence policies, so that disabled staff are not penalised or subject to unfair absence management procedures within the sickness absence process,
Equality Award 2016
The Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) has announced that the recipient of the STUC Equality Award for 2016 is Scott Mowat, an EIS Equality Rep based at Mosspark Primary School in Glasgow.
The award, administered by Scottish Union Learning, will be presented today (11.00am on Tuesday, 19 April, Caird Hall, Dundee) by the Rt Hon Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland and Leader of the Scottish National Party.
Scott has had an active role within the EIS since 2010, being elected as a delegate to the national AGM in 2013, 2014 and again in 2015. He was elected to the EIS National Equality Committee and has subsequently represented the EIS at national partner events, both as a delegate and as a panel guest, speaking on how schools might support LGBT teachers.